Saturday, June 11, 2016

Turned over

Another gorgeous day and even more splendid walk.  I covered the 24km into Mansilla de las mulas.  I often measure a day by the number of villages, the stops, and the yummy food enjoyed along the Way.  Today there was only one village.....a lovely long walk along the Roman road with the birds singing me along, the flowers brightening the day and the quiet to fill me. 

Last time as I walked along, the fields were all ripe with grain.  This year a good number of the fields have been harvested already and the ground turned over.  The contrast is delightfully stark.  In the cycle of the garden, the turning of the soil marks an ending and a new beginning. 

It's so important to give thanks for all that has been, all that's been received. And I think it a beautiful  blessing to wonder: What will come next after the turning of the soil???

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to know that the weather is co-operating and adding to your quiet walk with the Lord. You always see the beauty in everything, whether its the birds singing, the flowers or the plowed fields. Hopefully the knees and feet are not causing too many problems. God bless you.
