Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Door of Pardon

It is a very simple walk through an open door. Yet it is quite something when the Holy Door stands open and inviting me in. 

The Jubilee Door of Mercy here in Santiago comes in two parts.  The outer gate has 24 panels carved with saints from the Old and New Testament.  The inner door is in bronze with scenes from the life of Christ. 

Pilgrim traffic is routed so you enter the Cathedral through the Holy Door.  It is the way in this year.  The other doors still are used as exits, but all are invited in through mercy.


  1. God bless you always and forever. Amen!!! Thanks you for sharing this pilgrimage with us.

  2. Ask and you shall receive! Thanks for sharing the photos and experience of going through the Holy Door. Its much appreciated. God bless you.
