Monday, June 9, 2014


One of the grand traditions of the Camino is the waymarks.  All along the Way there are markers to point the indicate what turn to silently lead pilgrims west to Santiago.

When we arrived in Pamplona we took a taxi from the airport to the cathedral.  After a prayer we began to walk.  At the corner of the plaza was the waymark pictured above.... both a scallop shell and a yellow arrow pointing out the correct direction. 

As the walk unfolds one has to keep an eye out for the waymarks.  Some are on buildings, some are In the sidewalk.  Some times only a scallop shell appears.  Other times a yellow arrow is painted. 

I got a kick out of the towns taking pride in the waymarks. But I have come to deeply appreciate their presence at every junction and crossroads.  Do I go left or right?  Which path leads to a dead end and which to Santiago?  And  a few times when we have gone astray, local people have been right there, turning us around and keeping us on the Way.

A new feature on the waymarks today was the kilometers to go to reach Santiago.  It is still a long way away...but draws nearer every day.

As a pilgrim disciple, what are the waymarks we notice that point the direction to take?  How often do we notice the people and places that point out when to turn in life?  Are we able to stay on the Way to the Kingdom which so often seems a long way off???


  1. Thank you for taking the time to include us on your trip. Your messages are like little sermons and I feel like a groupie waiting for the next one.

    I hope your pain lessons and your legs strengthen each day. We’ll just have to pray harder for you - we’ve got your back! Starr

  2. Praying for you today. Thanks for the view. It is much appreciated. I'm trying to find the mark .

  3. What a peaceful and prayerful journey, just you and God.
    Praying for your feet and legs to get tough.

  4. It takes quiet sometimes to see the marks. Sometimes we're just tooooooooo
    frazzled. So happy that you have space for reflection, patience for reflection and thoughtfulness of reflection. In this way, we all benefit.
    buen camino
