Thursday, June 26, 2014


We walked a pleasant 24km up to Villafranca del Bierzo today.  Passing through several villages, we were mostly pounding the pavement... up and down hills on the way to O'Cebreiro...the big mountain we will start climbing tomorrow and reach its summit on Saturday.  

As we have been walking for a couple of days in the mountains again, the conversation has turned to hills.... going up them and going down them.  Both actions have their challenges....but going down seems to me the more difficult physically and spiritually.

Going up a hill pulls at the calves and strains the lungs for air.  But there is the built in reward of the vista when the summit is reached.   There is the satisfaction of achieving the new height.  The Scriptures often speak of being closer to God....of receiving revelation...whether on Sinai or Tabor or Calvary.

But going down the hill pounds on the knees and the feet.  There is no view to anticipate and even the rocks of the path become more tricky to navigate when going down.  It is rough...especially when the descent is steep.  Yet Jesus made descent his signature gift in the spiritual life....descending from heaven to earth... and from here to hell... for our salvation.  His signature approach in ministry was to identify with the least and the lowly.... going down to their level and raising them up.  But the challenge is in going down.... to walk that path so that we are on the same level as each and every one of our brothers and sisters.   How blessed is the example of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in living out the Lord's commands to serve the least.   What little I know about him indicates he is willing and able to go down the hill.... and rejoice in reaching the bottom... for there is an encounter with the Lord waiting to happen.

As we walk along, do we meet the Lord at the summits in life when the view is beautiful?  As we walk along, do we encounter the Lord in the valleys having gone down the hill in order to meet him in our sisters and brothers there?


  1. Beautiful reflection. It has special meaning for me today. Thanks for being there even when you are far away. God bless you on the road today. thanks for the prayers

  2. This is by far my favorite of your posts so far, Father. Thank you for the beautiful imagery, relating hills to not only Christ but how we are to follow Him. Beautiful pictures as well. God Bless You as you approach that summit on Saturday.

  3. Such amazing vistas! May your gift and ability to find a positive and uplifting message in everything you encounter continue to grow. I'm relating in such a good way to your messages and pictures (and food and wine and chores). Thank you, bless you.

  4. FROM STARR: Fr Kevin,
    Thank you so much for carrying a rock to leave at the cross on our behalf. The symbolism of you carrying us with you every step of the way is heartwarming.
    May your steps & heart lighten as you approach Santiago. Starr

  5. Such beautiful words for us to enjoy during camino. Your vivid description allows one to sense the burning of an 18 percent grade while leaning back as you describe your descent. Your faith tells us we should not hold back when facing challenges. Such wonderful photographs, you are enjoying the event of a lifetime.

  6. Almost there....we can see with your eyes and hear with your ears the wonders of the last bit of the camino. I can only imagine what awaits you as you approach that beautiful church.....the gorgeous interior, the smell of the incense, the glorious Mass. It's night here, and the Hispanic community is celebrating their "padres". Lots of food and laughter. Lots of musica. We are all certainly missing our Padre.
    Your camino is nearly finished...yet in a thousand ways, just beginning. We can't wait to hear all about it.
    Buen camino y Dios lo bendiga.
