Sunday, June 15, 2014

pictures for the Meseta 2

Trying it this way....


  1. The Spirit blows relentless in our lives. Would that we could catch that wind and allow it to carry us, without hindrance, into eternity! If we but let It. PEACE, and thanks for taking us with you.

  2. Beautiful blue skies! Your children have arrived safely in New Orleans on Father's Day evening. Thank you for the prayers. Enjoy the ruah.
    buen camino

  3. I am enjoying this journey with you. Thanks for the great photos and commentary. Loved the description of the 3 parts of the Camino; very beautiful. Feeling your prayers here. Much is happening with lunches, many wondrous events have happened and I will fill you in upon your return, but know that the Holy Spirit is moving in amazing ways here. Happy Father's Day and God Bless and be safe. Lisa
