Tuesday, June 12, 2018


One of the admonitions the bishop makes to the priest during the ordination rite is to "model your life on the mystery of the Lord's cross."  At 27 when I got ordained I just nodded and agreed.  How could I possibly know the gifts that the cross would bring over the years?

Over the years the mystery of the Cross has cast its shadow many, many times.  How many times have I been invited to share in the suffering of the parish family?  Maybe because of sickness or death.... or doubt or sin.... or questions unanswered or hope dashed...

How many late nights? How many tears shed? How many prayers lifted up?  The mystery of the Cross, which leads to life, is a grand adventure indeed.  

As I pause to celebrate my anniversary as a priest today, I thank God for sharing with me a share in the mystery of the Cross.  Tis a blessed gift.  I am so grateful I said yes.

Pray for the priests in your life today, if you would.  Pray for the priest who baptized you into the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Pray for the priest who gave you Communion the first time.  Pray for the priests who have heard your confession.  Pray for the priests who have visited when you were sick.  Pray for the priest who will bring the last rites of grace and life to you when the Cross lifts you high.  Pray for the priest who will celebrate your funeral, for the Cross opened the gates to a glorious Kingdom of life.  

Pray for the priests you know.  Pray for the priests who have left active ministry.  Pray for the ones discerning and studying to become priests.  May we model our lives on the mystery of the Lord's cross.  


  1. Happy Anniversary as a Priest. Enjoy your walk. I love following your journey.

  2. We're so glad you said yes. We are blessed to have you as our pastor. Happy anniversary to you.

  3. I didn't read this on the 12th, but today I am praying for the priest that conducted my marriage ceremony and will say my funeral mass. I pray that you enjoy your journey!

  4. Just saw this. Happy anniversary of your ordination. Offering prayers of thanksgiving for you at mass tonight. Thanks for walking with me all these years, and for being completely insane. Love you Father Kevin.
