Thursday, July 5, 2018


There is something lovely in seeing the joyful summer blooms of crepe myrtle.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Sauntered into Leon this morning.  Passed by this lovely image of a tired Santiago Peregrino resting at the Cross.

I went to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the Basilica of St. Isidore to bring my pilgrimage to a close.  

This afternoon I hopped on a train to Madrid.   

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Had a lovely walk into Virgen del Camino today.  The church here is staffed by Dominican friars who also run a school.  The facade of the church has a grand depiction of the Blessed Mother and the 12 Apostles.

Walking through four little towns today, I was again delighted by God's creative touch and uplifted by His sweet perfume.  I hope you get a chance to stop and smell the roses....

Monday, July 2, 2018


Under overcast skies that kept the temperature cool, I walked from Astorga to Hospital de Orbigo.  The walk was over rolling farm land in transition.  There was grain nearing harvest.

There were trees being pruned to strengthen their growth.

There were fields plowed and ready for the next crop.

Those beside us may be wrapping up or just starting out.  They may need encouragement to strengthen them on the journey.  What stages do you see beside you today?

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Today's walk rolled downhill for 22 km to Astorga, the chocolate capital of Spain.  WiFi is spotty so I will post more if I find a better signal

Saturday, June 30, 2018

High point

Today's walk was from El Acebo to Rabanal over Monte Irago which is the highest point on the Camino.  Atop the mountain is the famous Cruz de Ferro.  For centuries pilgrims have brought stones to set at the foot of the cross... representing their prayers or their sins or their burdens that they give to God.  A historical marker there also mentioned that pilgrims returning from Santiago would leave a stone in thanksgiving for having made it safely to the Apostle's tomb.  I certainly have many reasons to give thanks to God!

Friday, June 29, 2018


Today's walk was gorgeous and lovely.  The sun was shining, a gentle breeze blowing, and the Camino went gently along the road to Molinaseca and then up the side of the mountain along a dirt track to El Acebo.  I am very thankful for the time to walk, the beauty to behold and the mercy of the Camino.  

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Decided to pull up short today and stop in Ponferrada.  A little extra rest seems in order.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Today granted a grand walk through the fertile fields of Bierzo. I went through Villafranco de Bierzo and landed in Cacabelos. 

The vineyards and orchards stretched as far as the eye could see and were as close as the hand to reach up and pick one.

It provided a lovely backdrop for contemplating today's gospel... you will know a tree by its fruit.  St. Paul is quite explicit in Galatians 5:22 that the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of the disciple is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

On a good day we can manifest at least one or two of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Which fruit do you have for God to pick today from the branches of your life as He walks along?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Walked down the mountain today to Trabadelo under sunny skies that got progressively warmer.  But the morning was socked in with fog.

It's hard to see in the pea soup.  Challenging to find the markers for the path.  All the vistas were gone.  Yet the Scriptures say that God dwells in such cloud and darkness.  How lovely it is to walk with Him....

Monday, June 25, 2018


A delightful day of walking through the mountains of Galicia to O'Cebreiro.  The sun was out, a breeze was blowing and the vistas were glorious all day long.  

This is my last day in Galicia and it was the most beautiful!  On previous walks it was overcast, if not pouring rain here.  This time she decided to smile!

Sunday, June 24, 2018


John the Baptist is one of the grand figures in salvation history.  All four gospels include him and his ministry preparing the Way for the Lord.  He called Israel to repent, to make room in their lives and their hearts for God.  He was a wildly popular prophet drawing crowds from all over.  

But it never went to his head.  "He must increase, I must decrease."  After he baptized Jesus in the Jordan, he proclaimed to his own disciples the line we continue to use at each Mass.  "Behold the Lamb of God!"

May we pay attention that the Lord is in our midst. May we open our hearts and make room for Him. May we decrease, and He increase.

Going up

Today's walk led through the woods along the river Sarria to Triacastela and then up the mountain side to Biduelo.  With promises of heat this afternoon, an early start brought a mostly cool saunter.

The vistas open up as the ascent pays off.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


I walked from Sarria to Samos today to spend a little time in prayer.  The path followed the Sarria river through the countryside.

The monastery here in Samos dates back to the 6th century.  In the 9th century the Benedictine monks took over and remain to this day.  

Sometimes it is good to pray in a place that is old, where many prayers have been lifted up to God.  As Jesus teaches in the gospel for today: "Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness...."

Friday, June 22, 2018

Many reasons

"Why are you walking back?" was the question i was asked several times today by pilgrims who just couldn't imagine a reason.  

I walked today from Portomarin to Vilei (on the outskirts of Sarria).  These pilgrims are about 5 days from Santiago.  Some just started today and are fresh and perky.  Others have been walking for weeks and are sore and tired.  One man as he asked jokingly continued, "are there no taxis?"  He was amazed that one would ever walk again after reaching Santiago... cuz he apparently never wanted to, if he ever made it.

One fresh footed pilgrim from Miami was astounded since her dream was only to walk six days to the Apostle's tomb.  She figured it was over then.  

But one man who stopped to talk was delighted.  He was on his sixth Camino. He had walked the Primitivo, the Camino Madrid (where he lived), the Camino de la Plata from Seville, and this was his third time on the Camino Frances.  His wife died this past year, so this year he walked alone... missing her very much...

There are many reasons pilgrims walk Camino and many blessings they receive along the way.  A joy comes in sharing with pilgrims that the visit to Santiago is a beginning to sharing the Apostle's blessings with others.  It is an honor to affirm the reasons that have pilgrims walking.... especially the pilgrims who know the blessings and rely on them.  

Share the road

On every road there is a hierarchy of those who use it.  On the Camino walkers have to be careful not to get run over by bicyclists.  Today it was a hoot to make way for some of the local residents.... who generously were making donations on the path as they walked along.... 

Thursday, June 21, 2018


A lovely walk into Portomarin today.  There is a special joy in encouraging pilgrims on the walk.  So many smiles at the news that we are walking back from the very place they aren't so sure they will ever arrive.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


All the cold, wet weather from the Camino Primitivo is gone.  It is sunny, dry and warm here on the Frances.  I walked to Palas de Rei today.  Much of the day I was mulling the gospel for today, which happens to also be the one for Ash Wednesday (Matt 6:1-6, 16-18)

In advocating the spiritual exercises of prayer, fasting and almsgiving Jesus urges that we do them in secret.  Now Lent is a lovely time of year to look at our spiritual lives and work on them.  But what about now? In the heat of summer, are we diligent in prayer? Do we fast with intention?  Are we generous with giving and sharing?  

The Lord invites us to keep it a secret.  It is not anyone else's business.  But for us disciples, he shares the secret to a rich life.  Pray. Fast. Give. They are a lovely path to walk.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Another lovely day for walking.  The sun is shining warm and bright as I tuck in to Castaneda.  But now the sun is in my eyes for the morning.  On all the previous walks the great marker was to keep your shadow in front of you.  No longer.

The change in light changes the beauty in all the landscape.  I only walked through here last week, but it seems different now.... and delightfully so!

Monday, June 18, 2018


Today I walked 15km to the tiny spot of a village named Brea.  But what made today's walk so different from all the others was the direction I was going.  Like a salmon swimming to the headwaters, I headed east against the flow of the pilgrims.  

The first thing that was overwhelmingly noticeable was seeing the faces of pilgrims instead of the back of their heads.  I could see the joy on one, the exhaustion on another, and surprise on more than a few.  

The many reactions made today delightful.  One group of Spanish abuelas was sure that I was turned around and tried hard to convince me to join them going to Santiago.  They were amazed I had already been.  A lovely lady from Houston shared that she was sad that Santiago was so close, because then the walk would be over.  A French lady was incredulous that I was still walking.  She barely wanted to make it into Santiago.  She didn't want to take another step.  Many, many people just pointed ahead... thinking I was turned around.  

As the pilgrims passed, I delighted in smiling and wishing them a Buen Camino.  Most will make it into Santiago today.... and meet the Apostle they have walked so far to see.  I got to see faith filled pilgrims being drawn closer to the Lord.  

Sunday, June 17, 2018


The first spot where pilgrims can see the Cathedral in Santiago is from an overlook 5km outside of town called Monte de Gozo, the Hill of Joy.  Every time I have been heading into Santiago the weather has been overcast or raining, so my tired feet had no interest in walking to the overlook.  As I headed out today under lovely sunny skies, I did stop and take in the view.  Instead of a first look, it was a last glance.

Now I appreciate why they call it a place of Joy.  There is a grand beauty and excitement to the place.

In other points of joy.... Congratulations to all our Noonan Scholarship winners!  May God bless you abundantly as you continue your education.

Happy Father's Day to all our dads, granddads, foster fathers, step-fathers, and all who give us life and point us to the One who is Our Father.  Many blessings for you today!!!


I went to Mass this morning at the Cathedral in Santiago one last time before heading out.

It always does my heart good to behold the botafumiero fly.  :)  This afternoon I started the walk home.  As I ascended the Monte de Gozo, I stopped by the little chapel of St. Mark.

This humble little chapel has been a rest stop for pilgrims for centuries.  Since one can get their last sello before Santiago, the church is always open.  While grand cathedrals inspire plenty, I think there is more to be said for the little chapels where we stop and pray along the way.  Where do you like to pray?  Where do you feel intimacy with God?  How often do you connect with the One who loves you completely?

Friday, June 15, 2018


I am taking the customary three days for rest and prayer here in Santiago before starting the walk home.  I will resume posting on Sunday.  For now.....a little time for quiet....

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Just one more

A lovely day as I walked 19km to Pedrouzo.  For only the second time on this pilgrimage, there was blue sky overhead.

While the number of pilgrims walking along has dramatically increased, there haven't been any large, loud groups.  Mostly folks are in pairs or walking alone.  Lots of different paces, yet walked with respect for the fellow pilgrim.

Many houses today had lovely gardens in bloom.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018


One of the admonitions the bishop makes to the priest during the ordination rite is to "model your life on the mystery of the Lord's cross."  At 27 when I got ordained I just nodded and agreed.  How could I possibly know the gifts that the cross would bring over the years?

Over the years the mystery of the Cross has cast its shadow many, many times.  How many times have I been invited to share in the suffering of the parish family?  Maybe because of sickness or death.... or doubt or sin.... or questions unanswered or hope dashed...

How many late nights? How many tears shed? How many prayers lifted up?  The mystery of the Cross, which leads to life, is a grand adventure indeed.  

As I pause to celebrate my anniversary as a priest today, I thank God for sharing with me a share in the mystery of the Cross.  Tis a blessed gift.  I am so grateful I said yes.

Pray for the priests in your life today, if you would.  Pray for the priest who baptized you into the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Pray for the priest who gave you Communion the first time.  Pray for the priests who have heard your confession.  Pray for the priests who have visited when you were sick.  Pray for the priest who will bring the last rites of grace and life to you when the Cross lifts you high.  Pray for the priest who will celebrate your funeral, for the Cross opened the gates to a glorious Kingdom of life.  

Pray for the priests you know.  Pray for the priests who have left active ministry.  Pray for the ones discerning and studying to become priests.  May we model our lives on the mystery of the Lord's cross.  

One more

Today's walk was another delightful one under overcast skies. This time covering the 15km from Melide to Arzua.

Today's walk was one more blessed day with a slow, steady pace.  I saw more pilgrims today than on all the days walking along the Primitivo out together.  :))

I am very thankful for the blessings.  They are many.

Monday, June 11, 2018


As I walked along this afternoon my inner pyromaniac was treated to a gift.  On the side of the Camino some neighbors were stacking firewood.  Two had impressive stacks of logs...

But one took the occasion to make a work of art.

This goes out to Paul Norris and Tom Sheehan! Keep the flame of faith alive! :))

A little wisdom...

The cafe where I had lunch had this little tidbit of wisdom posted.  It brought a smile to my face, so I thought to share....