Thursday, July 3, 2014


We have made it to the outskirts of Arca and Santiago is about 20km away.   We will arrive tomorrow, God willing.  It's hard to believe it is so close....been walking for a while.  

Today is the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle....the one who questioned and doubted....who had to experience the Resurrected Christ....and came to great faith.  Morning prayer reminded me that it was to him that Jesus said....I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I have met him along the Camino.   In the silence we have discussed all sorts of blessed truth.  And oh what life he bestows!

Just a few shots from along the Way...that we, like Thomas, may know him and believe.


  1. I think I like these pictures of the various paths and the road the best.....all different fro different reasons, and different for those of us with different eyes, and different places to go....something to ponder and pray for as your approach the conclusion of this pilgrimage. Pray for us...that we all remain on the path of holiness. Love you, Buen Camino

  2. Wonderful pictures of God's beauty. Thank you for sharing your pilgrimage with us.

  3. Such photos, I see your shadow and this is the only sighting of you.
