Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Today is a good day for rest and prayer. Pilgrims are allowed and encouraged to spend 3 days in Santiago before returning home. I am sure part of that is for support of the local economy, but primarily it allows the body to rest after a long journey.
There is time for prayer as well. I concelebrated Mass last night in the Cathedral. Not only was the Botafumeiro in use....I got to put some incense in it before it swung from the rafters. :) This morning there was a Mass in English which I concelebrated with a priest from Sri Lanka. My Mass intention was for the people of St. Matthew's.
Then I spent time praying at the tomb of St. James. It is below the main altar. Only two or three can be there at once; a sweet personal visit with the Apostle. All the intentions folks had placed in my prayer journal were remembered.
Sabbath is a commandment to pray and rest with the Lord one day each week. It allows us to gather with the community of the faithful to worship together and renew our covenant with the Lord. Today has been a wonderful blessing of Sabbath.... with the evening Vigil Mass and dinner still to come! :))
Friday, July 4, 2014
There is a joy and a peace that words do not describe in being here in Santiago. What a wonderful gift!
I took a walk around the old town this afternoon and collected not one, but two, Compostelas. The first is from the Cathedral as a pilgrim to Santiago. The second is from the Franciscans since this is the 800th anniversary of St. Francis walking to Santiago.
I am headed back to the Cathedral this evening for the Pilgrim's Mass... time to offer my thanks to God in sacrament. This Mass is for Nancy Slattery. I am particularly blown away that the gospel for today is the call of Matthew from Matthew, chapter 9. Does it get any better than to hear Jesus say.... Come, follow me??? Can it be lived better than by his call....it is mercy I desire, not sacrifice????
Buen Camino.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
We have made it to the outskirts of Arca and Santiago is about 20km away. We will arrive tomorrow, God willing. It's hard to believe it is so close....been walking for a while.
Today is the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle....the one who questioned and doubted....who had to experience the Resurrected Christ....and came to great faith. Morning prayer reminded me that it was to him that Jesus said....I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I have met him along the Camino. In the silence we have discussed all sorts of blessed truth. And oh what life he bestows!
Just a few shots from along the Way...that we, like Thomas, may know him and believe.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
I stayed up far too late watching the US World Cup match, so we started a little late today. But we made our 23km walk to the outskirts of Arzua and I will be going to bed early tonight.
As we walked along today we crossed several streams and I have included 3 of the bridges built to help us pilgrims. I also include several other famous bridges from along the Camino.
I love the craftsmanship in these functional gifts. Though I know they ice over before the rest of the road in winter, I generally drive over them without a second thought. Walking provides a different experience and simply shifting from earth to stone or wood is cause for notice.
A bridge helps to get you from here to there....to cross the stream or river without getting wet. But it is sweet to pause...before ever crossing.... just to appreciate the work of art and architecture. It is peaceful to pause over the water.... to listen to the cascading flow and enjoy the view.
How many times do we cross bridges? Who designed and made these wonders so that our way will be easier? More beautiful?
And thanks be for the Son who is the bridge to the Kingdom who ever guides us along the Way.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
We walked today from Portomarin to Palas de Rei. We covered the 24km under cloudy skies and intermittent rain. It was a lovely soft rain.... this is a very Celtic land. Only three more days of walking....
Today marks my anniversary of ordination as a deacon. As I walked along I pondered the beautiful and haunting mission each deacon receives from the bishop as he is handed a copy of the Book of the Gospels.
Receive the Gospels whose herald you now are.
Believe what you read.
Teach what you believe.
Practice what you teach.
May the Lord grant me many more years to proclaim the good news with my life and my words.
Images of Santiago
Different towns have an statue of St. James the Pilgrim, often in the main square but always along the Camino so we pilgrims can ponder its beauty. They are quite diverse and charming and thought provoking.
There are certain symbols that go with the Pilgrim Saint. The scallop shell is from this land by the sea. The cape to protect from the elements. The staff to help with the walking. The gourd as a container for water.
The artists capture much about the pilgrim experience. Enjoy the beauty.