Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Santa Eulalia church

I love dropping by churches as I walk along.  Many are locked up, others at least have a window through which you can look inside.  In the village of Valduno I stopped for a sandwich.  A sign advertising St. Eulalia church at the other end of town caught my eye.  This is the third time I had seen a statue or church dedicated to this martyr with whom I am not very familiar.

St. Eulalia of Merida is a patroness of Oviedo.  She was a 4th century martyr who refused to renounce her Christian faith in favor of the Roman gods or emperor.  She was burned at the stake and suffocated from smoke inhalation.  The story goes that a dove flew from her mouth when she died.  Then a miraculous snow fall covered her body.  Thus she is the patron saint of snow days.  

Her parish in Valduno is built over some Roman baths, which have been partially excavated.

This parish must be serious about stewardship, because they posted the list of donors by name and amount on the bulletin board out front!

St. Eulalia pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. Muy bueno padre! Disfrute cada estancia! Nosotros con usted en oración!! Un abrazo!!!
