Monday, June 10, 2019


Taking a rest day in Fisterra.  The Wifi is not strong enough to upload the pictures, but all is well. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019


Made it on down the coast to the other town that claims an end to the Camino... Fisterra... the End of the World.  

More will follow as I visit the several sites in town. 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Along the coast

A leisurely saunter down the coast today of 15km to Lires.  Overcast skies and almost still air made for a delightfully quiet day.  Just birds singing from the trees. 

There is no vigil Mass here tonight,  so I will concelebate tomorrow's 10am Mass before walking on....  

Friday, June 7, 2019


Having stopped early yesterday due to torrential rains and wind, I made it to Muxia this morning under clear skies and gorgeous weather.   

Started today with the official tour of the Romanesque church of San Xulian.  Some lovely murals on the walls depicting the sins the monks were to avoid.   But I was particularly taken by the carvings by the doors... done in the style of the Cathedral in Santiago.   This one is of the monk

My favorite is that of the pilgrim. 

Just a short walk from the monastery into Muxia, one of two coastal terminal points for the Camino.   

This town is under the patronage of Our Lady of the Boat.  

They have Mass there in the evening,  so hopefully I can take some pictures after praying.   

Thursday, June 6, 2019


A merry Galician day of rain and wind.  So no pictures to share.  But tucked in at the monastery of San Julian, an 11th century Benedictine house. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Another glorious day of walking, temperatures in the 50s and the sun in the sky!  Today I walked 23km to Dumbria over some lovely hills.  

It is a simple joy to be rolling along the Way.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A soft day

Another lovely day for walking as 21km were covered to Santa Marina.  By midday a cloud or two dropped a few drops down.  But it was short lived and rather refreshing.   

Monday, June 3, 2019


After a rest day yesterday in Santiago, walking resumed today.  The heat wave finally broke and today brought more typical Galician weather... drizzling rain and cool temperatures.   I walked 21km to Negreira.  On the way out of Santiago there was an overlook for one last glimpse of the Cathedral. 

The walk was along country roads and forest tracks.  A lovely quiet day of prayer and walking. 

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Made it into Santiago after a leisurely 16km walk.  Time to check in with the Pilgrim office and find out about the Mass schedule.  

Friday, May 31, 2019

Gently on

Today's walk of 26km to Sigueiro was long, but easier than yesterday.   The terrain was gently sloped down and far more of the walk was on forest paths.  There is something lovely walking through a wood.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Today the feast of the Ascension is celebrated in Spain.   It is celebrated on Sunday in the U. S.

Jesus urged his disciples to remain in Jerusalem and pray for the Holy Spirit from God.  Thus began the first novena.  Considering all the troubles in the Church, may we pray all the more fervently for the Spirit to purify, heal and bless the Church. 

Come, o Holy Spirit,  fill the hearts of the faithful.  Enkindle in them the fire of your love.   Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth.  Amen.  


A beautiful day for a 26km walk to Hospital de Bruma.  Another sunny, not a cloud in the sky day here in Galicia though the temperatures keep rising.  The highs today were in the mid 80s.  

Came across some lovely art decorating the walk.  

This mural was on the way out of Betanzos.

This statue helped at a crossroads. 

This image of Santiago was at the cafe where I had lunch.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stroll down a Country lane

Today the walk was mostly down country lanes to the medieval town of Betanzos, 21 km closer to Santiago.

There was one fun motivational sign by the road.  :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


The first day of walking has been beautiful... sunny skies, light breeze, and temps in the 60s.  The Camino Ingles starts at the port in Ferrol.  

It follows along the bay by the naval base and this little chapel before crossing over a bridge to Fene.

Spring is in full bloom here with roses budding,  Spanish broom in bloom and this little guy that neither I nor the housekeeper of the place know the name of.  

Arrived this afternoon in Pontedeume.  Named for the long bridge into town, the place is quaint and lovely.  

There are more pictures posted on Instagram under padrewalking. 

Monday, May 27, 2019


Arrived safely in Ferrol this afternoon.   Stopped by the Cathedral to begin this Camino with prayer.  Tomorrow starts the walk.  :)

Sunday, May 26, 2019


Tis good to be heading off on pilgrimage.   Tis good to have the time for rest and prayer.